Well I am not sure what it is like your way - but Autumn has taken hold here - and we are knee deep in leaves. Hopefully we will have a few windy days and they will blow to the end of the road! Such beautiful colours - it is a really pretty time of the year. This card is for the tag it challenge that is running over at the cbc forum and has a nice autumn colour feel to it.
We had a small crisis this week - Owen got stung by what we think is a hornet (or is maybe a bee)...the pesky thing popped into his shoe when he was doing PE and he reached in to get his sock out and it stung him on the hand. It was apparently a huge sting - Owen said he thought it was a thorn at first. It cam up nice and puffy and red. so I had to get him from school on Wednesday. Then on Thursday I decided I ought to take him to the doctors as his gland under his arm started hurting....after a major episode with him ending up in hospital after chicken pox and the same symptons I though I had better not take any chances....!
But he was OK we have just continued with the anti-histamines and it is finally down this morning.....just as well as he is away with the school tomorrow.
So that was my drama....
However my friend Jane still came round as planned on Thursday and she had an afternoon learning to stamp...I made her some butternut squash soup and cake as well, and she went home with 3 birthday cards.
I am now the proud owner of a set of Stitchel stamps from Jennie over at The Artistic Stamper as I was drawn for a prize for my PGTips box - if you have not seen Maddy's project - you need to go and check it out - it is fab. I am just about to put it on the web site - but you can see it on the forum.
There are loads of challenges on the forum at the moment - so I hope you can find some time to pop by and join in with a couple.
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