Little buckets

Monday, 21 July 2014

I have been shopping in Poundland as usual :) and I happened upon these little metal buckets, they also has them in bright colours, but chose the cream to go with the arbour.  So have potted them up with a couple of lavender, and also some pinks - which have been left in a small pot for too long so need to catch up with the others, sure they will soon be there.

You can see the buckets next to the watering can - which was also a bargain from the market - I can't decide whether to make holes in it and plant it - or use as a watering can what do you think?

Will have to take picture of the buckets only, one for another day.

I took the photo on the phone and downloaded straight to google+ and it 'made' this moody photo - what do you think?

The pinks should look like these below (I think) I raised them from seed, and they are lovely in pots.  Or I have some paler pink ones - will show you when they are out.

1 comment

  1. Lovely pictures, Carolyn. I prefer yours to the 'moody' one however.


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