We have had more snow it came down very fast this morning - although tiny little flakes...and once again the "Woodlands" estate in Ampthill have been stranded unless you have a 4 X 4 - I tried our hill from Rushbrook Close, then did try and do a 'run up' by going from Ailesbury - but my (and most other cars ) were having none of it. Lots of unhappy people losing money/holiday just because they can't get out. Why we can't have the grit bucket back at the bottom of the hill I don't know.....here are a few snaps of 3 attempting to do it....they are in order....so you can spot the differences which way they are going!

Where I was standing to take the photo there were a queue of cars all waiting to take a turn...apparently someone made it in a Fiesta - but I didn't see that....just a Land Rover and a pick up
IT is still snowing steadily now - so I hope it clears as I need to get to work tomorrow instead of today now.....
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