Family tree

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Gr gr grandmother a little scary

I started looking into my family tree over 15 years ago, the on line records were just starting to arrive and the 1881 census was free, along with many records that had been transcribed in Cornwall. since then the records now available are enormous.  Most recently the 1939 register is available by subscription.
As I have had to wait around Stevenage for a few hours every other day for the last few months I have been visiting the local libraries and am most impressed that you can now visit with your own device whilst in the building.

Find my Past and the British Newspaper Archive you can visit your own account either on your device or on the library computer, visit the records that you have bookmarked.  Ancestry is as I always remember in the early days and it is just access to the data base, and all searching and saving you have to start from scratch.

The newspaper archive is a challenge in searching for any meaningful information but is great fun having a go.  Once visited the newspaper sheet in the library, you can then visit at home and snip/crop to your hearts content.

I have not found as much as I hoped, only a couple of marriage announcements, and a death, when I thought these would be more prolific.

I have found

  • A sibling of an ancester that had a very unfortunate accident with a threshing machine
  • A will dispute between member of the family
  • A publican that owned many properties

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