I added some shopping to my supermarket delivery for a friend on Saturday and left it in the garage for her to collect...she left me this huge lemon in return, that she picked from her lemon tree.
Apparently 10 weeks since we started lockdown on Friday 13 March.
I felt I needed to make something..after searching around the internet I returned to same old recipe for Lemon Loaf I then got sidetracked on sorting out my recipe 'cards' that I created when I was baking for the Country Markets, and added a few more that were written on scraps of paper. They are all filed in a 'photo box' can you even get those now?
Here is a piece that I tested...the rest is safely out of the way in the freezer, so that I do not eat it everyday!
One of the ladies on the Family tree forum suggested making lemonade, as the lemon was so big I had loads of juice left so made the rest into this drink....I didn't faff about making a syrup, the lemon was quite sweet anyway, so just added rind lemon juice and a little sugar, then topped up with ice cold water and ice, it was lovely in the sunshine.

This cistus is flowering its heart out, the flowers only lat one day - it needs to slow down, there will be none left soon.

Yesterday we had a trip out and a short drive in the countryside which was nice, to Hexton, my friend Helen runs the little shop there which is normally stocked by various sellers, she is now setting up a gazebo with fruit and veg out side once a week now just for the village really. One of the sellers brought his plants so bought a lovely canna.
Once the poppy has finished I will put it in this garden, have put it in an old pot for now.

I talked to some of the locals in the very spaced out queue, felt almost like I had a normal day!
Stopped at another place that I sell things and she has a honesty table out the front and bought some eggs and locally made soda bread...
First time these lupins have flowered with more than one or 2 spikes, the snails/slugs used to eat them, but seems they are not so interested these days.
And finally I went shopping to M&S, their clothes have been disappointing for a while now to me, especially since they stopped their casual label blue indigo which was my kind of style...but as I needed no new clothes for going out I have stocked up on a few tees (3 for 2) and PJ shorts and underwear!
oh and here are a couple of radishes picked - we have had quite a few...but not been sowing at regular intervals so there will be a gap in the crop!
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