I have added lots of my handmade things for sale here, what do you think?
I bought this canna at Hexton Country Matters last week, and had planned to plant it directly into the garden, but I need to put it where the poppies are, and they have not died down yet!
It needed to go into a bigger pot but I didn't have anything suitable, except for a very tatty old plastic pot, that was ready for the tip. I found a pot of chalk paint I bought a few years ago from Aldi, so it seems to have stuck to this plastic pot! It looks like new.

Did think of painting the rim in red....still undecided.
Then I have painted an old frame in external wood paint, and backing board with blackboard paint...didn't know where to put it so now on my trellis on the patio, brightens it up, along with the colander hanging baskets. Still not 100% convince that everything is in the correct position, but the 2 colanders took a biy of hanging witha big hook, so can't see me moving them. Once they are all flowering things will look different.

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