My Retirement

Sunday, 21 June 2020

It turns out I was destined to garden and sew in my retirement...who knew.  It has been 2 years since I was made redundant and it does kind of feel like I am retired now.  It was really weird not working, but think I am now into it!
Today it is Sunday....but very similar to any other day, especially as still in lockdown due to husband 'shielding'.  Has been quite a productive weekend, have added new plants to my chairs, and also painted the pots and now that they match they look loads better.  Hoping that the plants will soon start growing, as  the hanging ones only arrived Friday in the post.

Brightens up the front of the shed...mirror in the background too.

In the morning we get sun on this side patio, and sometimes it is just too hot, never really bothered about it before, but as seem to be spending so much time out here, I found this beach brolly in the loft, and after a 'Heath Robinson' jiggery pokery I have now managed to sort it out and it looks quite pleasing to the eye.  Just after lunch it is shady, so we really don't need it for long.

OK so this is the back - but not bad.  I will invest in something next year now, I just can't be bothered to look for something the right size.

One of the super untidy part of the garden is the side - we don't see this from sitting in the garden, from the conservatory we see the clematis.  For some reason many moons ago, Paul planted it and then never revisited it I have had a massive pruning session, still more required.  But I just don't know what to do with this slope - it drives me nuts.  I don't need any more planting - particularly as we don't even see it - tis a conundrum

Everything has now been shredded into 2 sacks ready to go with bin Tuesday - yay

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