Here is the second mirror now in position, sealed and painted everywhere that I could! So hopefully it will last a little while, pleased with how it looks, brightens up that corner and can see it from the conservatory. Looks like a window and light coming through.
I have a couple of hydrangeas up there in pots that should be flowering soon, so it should good, and of course the gnomes are up there too.
The gnomes come with their own story, the 'proper' gnomes were in the Rightmove advert with Ian Wright, Paul was working there at the early days, and they all brought home the gnomes!
The others were when Owen was younger, a raffle prize win (actually replaced as first one was broken by a football and we missed him) - this is the smiling frog.
Finally the penguin was from Owen a few years ago when I said get me something for the garden...not really sure I meant a penguin!
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