Tollhouse Cookies

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Jackie - OkeyDokey has challenged us to try a new recipe - so I decided to make these cookies a few days ago, and have finally got round to getting the recipe on here. I didn't have any chocolate chips so I chopped up a bar of chocolate instead. I think as this caused some crumbs with the chunks made them very chocolatey. Owen and his friend Will thought they were yummy.

Tollhouse Cookies
115g 4oz Butter or Marg
50g 2oz sugar
75g 3oz dark brown sugar
1 egg
2.5ml ½tsp vanilla essence
125g 4½oz plain flour
½ tspn bicarb of soda
pinch of salt
175g 6oz choc chips
50g 2oz walnuts ( I don't like these so added dried fruit!)

180c 350f gas4
Beat together the fat and sugars until light and fluffy. Gradually add a beaten egg and vanilla essence. Sift flour and bicarb and salt and gradually fold into the mix. Finally add choc chips and nuts. Placed heaped teaspoons onto a baking sheet and cook for 10 -15 mins until lightly coloured. Remove from the baking sheet with a spatula whilst still warm. I made 18 the recipe said 24!

Sue has launched three challenges this week - two cards and a scrapbooking one - my, she has been busy. I did add a couple of simple New Home cards, so if you fancy achallenge pop along to the forum.

On a personal note the floor is ordered for the kitchen - only taken a year BUT the oven is now coming to fix it Monday - luckily we ordered from John Lewis as they have two year cover on all their appliances.

No lunches this week - did po round to friends for coffee yesterday morning and did my turn on the market this morning - worst sales for a long time only 2 cards. Should have taken my courgettes as the ones we had all sold - never thought about it.

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