Warwick Castle

Sunday, 8 July 2007

Well I survived the school trip! It seemed a long day as we left at 9 and didn't get back until 6 - but have to say although very exhausting, it was fun. I had 6 children in my charge 3 girls and 3 boys. Apart from one incident they were all very well behaved and we got along fine! It didn't even rain on us - although the sun didn't shine either

The journey there was quite funny as the coaches got a bit lost and we nearly went to Kenilworth Castle instead! Luckily they realised as they were in Kenilworth so we just went around the one way bit and came out again

We did seem to tour the castle at enormous speed I think they were worried that they might miss something - but in the end we could have done it a fair bit slower...I did every step available - so that must have been well over 600 in total, the children did do some more on their own, with me watching....I was too exhausted to do anymore! The falconry and bowmen displays were excellent.
Not entirely convinced that the £2.75 was worth paying for the ghost tower...although the children did seem very scared - the girls screamed and cried their way through it, but I felt it was unnecessary to make another charge.

On Thursday I spent the day with Gill - I have not seen her since Christmas - not sure where the time goes - we went to Milton Keynes - looking at furniture and a general wander around - bit of a busman's holiday for me - but lovely day anyway. She is just buying an apartment in the Algarve.

Over the weekend I painted all the woodwork in the utility twice and also the garden furniture - so all in all a tiring weekend. I did manage to make a few cards later this afternoon and I will sort them out tomorrow - another Rubber stamping challenge to be launched. Unfortunately by the time I had finished the sun had gone in so the photos were a bit naff!

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