Good sales day

Thursday, 13 September 2007

Firstly I must tell you there is now another fab competition running on the forum
If you visit Sara's site: timeforcrafting and then visit projects and exploding will see a fab project. So all you need to do is follow the instructions and make one. It could be a special Christmas card - always nice to make something different. There are other things going on too check out this thread for the latest.

Today, I did my first ever baking for the Country Markets, I made a Carrot tray bake, chocolate brownies and melting moments, and I was so pleased as I sold them all. Added to this I also sold 8 cards so it was a successful morning.

I went out to lunch in Ampthill with Jane, it was a lovely sunny day, and we had a quick wander around town after.

Yesterday I went out to lunch with Ann and we went over to Frosts at Woburn Sands. We had a nice lunch and wander around - but was amazed at the price of plants! They did have 1/3rd off fruit bushes, so I bought a rhubarb and a Tayberry bush - so maybe some new fruit for next year.

Never seem to stop having lunches - I saw Sue last Thursday in a pub in Southill, BUT none planned (so far) for next week!

Last night I went to Waterstone's in Milton Keynes to attend a 'party' for Carole Matthews book launch which was very nice. I went with Ann and her friend Sue (Sue is friends with Carole - although I got my ticket via an email draw - all very complictaed!) Bumped into someone from work (Bev) and someone round the corner (Rachel) - so can't go far without being recognised! The book is the Chocolate Lovers Diet, and so the party had a chocolate fountain and free chocolates from Thorntons! Nice bubble wine too - I bought the book - so have a queue of things to do...and I am sitting here typing this! The picture is my friend Ann with Carole.

Tuesday was our 6 weekly book club meet - I never actually finished the Alchemist...we now have this book - which I have to say looks a bit strange too....but have only just started. We did talk more about books this time and took some paper backs to swap around.

The courgettes are still doing well and I sold some of those this morning too.

1 comment

  1. Are you enjoying "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" Carolyn? I read it a couple of years ago and it would be interesting to know what you make of it! (I didn't do it as a book group book and don't know anyone else who's read it.)


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