The Circle Journals that have been running for a few months have come to the end. I was in a group of 5, I thought I would show a couple of layouts that are back with their destination today...more later when they have arrived.
First was Hazels which was entitled in my of course in my dreams I hope to win the lottery!
I used the Robo to cut the shop front, and used my own papers that are on the web site, as they co-ordinated with the scheme I wanted. I seem to worry so much over these CJs but when they are all finished - I am dead chuffed - so maybe the stress is good for me!
The rest was just Prima flowers and glitter glue, and printing on the PC.
So moving onto Lisa - hers was a Fairy story, so she started the story followed by Steph then it was me.
As I am totally useless at making up stories I got Paul to do the story and I just designed the page. As Paul got a bit carried away I decided to publish 'Our Chapter' as a book as I couldn't fit it onto a page!
So you will see from his story below - I felt that I needed to make a castle door. I started with some green corrugated card, and painted it with a few colours to make it look like wood. I then made the 'bolt' from card and brads.
I am still not certain whether the inside was quite right, but it was supposed to depict the scene from the chapter. I used black chalk to make it look stone like on the walls, and the rest was just punches and card.
This was Pauls story...
…a ruby jewel….a sword….a magic potion
The dragon-slayer and his horse, Star, set off immediately on their new quest. They had already journeyed for many miles and darkness soon began to fall. In the distance the dragon-slayer spotted a strange looking castle. Now that he was no longer humble stable boy, the dragon-slayer boldly approached the dark locked doors of the castle. Using his staff, he hammered on the doors and hollered to wake the castle guards.
He hollered and hollered, but no-one appeared - just as he was about to give up and continue his journey, the large heavy gates opened slowly with a terrifying squealing noise that made the hairs on the back of the new knight's neck stand on end. Star was also frightened, and it took all of the knights’ strength to stop his horse from bolting away.
When the gates were fully open, the knight and Star started forward into the dark shadows of the castle courtyard. From one of the guard towers weak candlelight could be seen. The knight tethered his frightened steed and pushed open the door to the candlelit room.
The room was empty apart from one small table and a wooden chair - but to the knight's surprise there was a veritable feast of food and wine and by the door was laid food and water for the horse.
Both man and horse forgot their fears and started to eat and drink heartily as they were starving having not eaten before setting out on the fairy's quest.
After about 5 minutes of non-stop eating and drinking, the knight began to feel dreadfully drowsy and Star seemed to be suffering the same.
Suddenly, the darkness of the shadows was lit by a bright flash and the knight felt himself falling, falling, falling forever into blackness and the last thing he saw before he passed out was a hooded old crone cackling with laughter.
When the erstwhile dragon-slayer finally awoke he felt strange, but his head ached so much he couldn't even open his eyes. But then he heard a strange voice half cackle half scream - it was the old crone speaking - of that he was certain.
"Not so brave now, my proud sir dragon-slayer - are you? ha ha ha. You see I am the wicked witch of the east and I have turned you into a humble frog and as for your stupid horse - to suit his name he is now a new star in the night sky. And the only way that I will turn you both back to your former selves, is for you sir knight to swear on your life that you will bring me the treasures that the fairy has set you to find."
The dragon-slayer turned frog could hardly contain his anger - he desperately wanted to fulfil the fairy's quest, because the kind fairy had made all his boyhood dreams of being a nobleman come true only hours ago. And now through trickery of this cursed witch and his own foolishness all was about to be lost.
He needed a plan and quickly......
Just to see where I started from this was the story so far...
Lisa started with....
Once upon a time in a kingdom far far away, there lived a little boy who dreamed of one day becoming a dragon slayer. As he was so little, the King appointed him a stable boy.
One day he was walking through the forest, with his favourite horse star. He came across an old woman in a worn out cloak. She asked if he could spare food as she had not eaten in a long time. The stable boy gave the old woman his last piece of bread.
The old woman thanked him and the boy and the horse moved on when suddenly….
Then Steph followed with...
There was a huge flash and where the old woman once stood there was now a fairy. The little boy and star stopped in their tracks and stared at the fairy.
Whhooo are you? Stammered the frightened boy. I am aurora Queen of the fairies and because of your kindness I will grant you 1 wish.
The little boy thought and looked at star and then he thought some more.
Well I have always dreamed of being a dragon slayer but the king says I am too small.
The fairy smiled and with a wave of her magic wand the little boy became a man.
You must now travel the road to the farthest reaches of the kingdom on a very important quest, the fairy said seriously.
To complete this quest you will need to find the following things…..
I will do another one Nigel has his back
Oh my word!!! How cool is that!!!
ReplyDeleteI am in awe of the story , Lisa's idea for her CJ was awesome and you did her proud with your entry! I am sure she will be over the moon with it! xxx
Fabulous journals ... and he sory is brill!
ReplyDeleteFab pages Carolyn - well done you!
ReplyDeleteThey are both so different and creative, I really do like them both.
Oh my they are stunning Carolyn, well done!!
ReplyDeleteRosie x
Some lovely layouts. I particularly like the pink flowers.