Summer Pudding

Saturday, 6 September 2008

During the school holidays Owen and I went and met my friend Gill in Takeley. We had a lovely day swimming, lunching out, visiting friends and also visiting the local PYO farm. We picked blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. The strawberries were particularly easy to pick and we managed to pick quite a lot! So we eat some, froze some and then I made two things. Firstly, I made this summer pudding.

I put all the fruit into a saucepan with some sugar, and a tiny drop of water. I heated it up until some of the juices came out, not too much as you want the fruit to keep its shape. I took nearly all of the fruit out of the saucepan and left a bit in the saucepan, I mashed these up and made more sauce. I then roughly lined a pudding bowl with cling film leaving the edges out.

Then it was a case of using sliced white bread to line the basin. I found a saucer than fitted on to of the basin so that it would squash the contents down. Leaving the slices as complete as possible and just filling in the gaps. The outside of each of the pieces was dunked into the sauce and put back into the basin. Then pile the fruit into the basin so it is full. Then make a sliced bread lid - again dunking the outside in the sauce.

Then pop the plate or saucer on top so that it squahes it down, and put a tin of something on tap to weigh it down.

leave over night.

The pic is a slice with some clotted cream icecream (not homemade!)

I also made my first ever jar of jam. i just did it in the microwave using a recipe for the internet. I amde just under 2 jars and it is delicious. I stll have not made homemade scones to go with it!

1 comment

  1. That pudding looks absolutely mouthwateringly delish!
    Double cream for me please LOL!


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