Oh dear - been off my blog for ages...

Thursday, 27 January 2011

...OK I admit I have completely forgotten about this, I just don't know how that happened!

So I thought I would make a quick post to let you all know I added a few pages to the web site, and I am determined to make the odd post on here from time to time.

This picture is available to download for free from the website. A little bit different - I hope that you can make use of it. I have been busy knitting and crocheting - so I will have to show some of my creations on here in the next few weeks.

Sue has also put up a time to create recipe or template - pick what you fancy..the recipe is:
as many as you like of the following:

So you can make a card, do a layout, decorate a box - or whatever takes your fancy.


  1. oh lovely card Carolyn ! very nice !

    yes you have been absent from blog land that long it was a shock seeing you at the top of my blogroll on my blog lol ...... im just as bad occassionally lol ..

  2. What a gorgeous image and card Carolyn and thanks for the lovely comment you left me:)


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