Liz has tasked us with a challenge on the forum, I have yet to get around to it....I will honestly she wants us to use a picture from her pinterest board to influence a craft project:
check out this post. I am thinking of adding some crocheted flowers to a project...so I must get cracking. I have been hopelessly sidetracked on decorating.

For ages - in fact years I have been meaning to clearout the craft room/study and swap it with the smallest room that is Owen's bedroom - well we have finally done it, the room is all decorated and new white bookcases/shelves have been placed along the wall. The rest of the furniture is what we have had in the other room and once I have decided on the size I hope to replace it.
But it is OK for now

So maybe I might need to reduce this lots....the bottom cupboard has lots more too, the top cupboard is not craft :)
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