So this weekend I have been busy in the garden I tackled one of the veggie gardens, I think I may not grow as much this year, I will see how things turn out.
I managed to get this one sorted out quickly, so ready for lettuce plants, toms and a couple of courgettes. I have grown the courgettes from seed but the rest I will get from the Country Market stall on Thursday. As you can see the other is full of forget me nots and I will sort that one out next weekend. They soon lift up and they seem to have kept the other weeds at bay :) I do find them much easier to sort out since I have had them raised slightly and have a neat edge to them.
Last year I cut this Deutzia – rosea Carminea down by a third, have not given it much love in the last few years, and a big haircut has rewarded me with a spectacular show this year.
Sadly it will only last for a few weeks, but lovely this time of the year when there is not much else in the garden.
This is looking lovely this year it is Choisya - aztec pearl, I even cut some and put in a vase :)
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