Garden update

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Finally got my birthday present up and running, it has mini solar panel, and am most impressed.  It maybe sited elsewhere eventually.  The panel has a long lead on it, so can put it somewhere that has some shade.

here are a few seconds of it running:

As it seems we are in the long haul of staying in, the veg was going to be abandoned this year, as we were intending to have lots of short breaks this year.....

Have placed an order for some new seeds, as the hundreds (seemingly) of packets I have, are all very old, found the propagator, and am ready to be harvesting before we are out of quarantine

I took one look at this and thought what a mammoth task.  Actually the soil is really good at the top of the garden, so it only took me a few hours.  Fence is to be painted next - I have one pot so should be enough do a few panels.  Guess I can get more delivered.

Here it was all done, there are a few forget me nots I left, as I like to pick them and have not got anything to put in just yet.

This corner right at the top ends up as a bit of a dumping ground, nothing grows there as soil is fine, and it gets the sun all day, so like a desert really in the summer.  So a tidy up was in order

The soil is lovely have to say, dug up some of it and put on the veg patch.

Then I covered it with some black stuff, and collected a lot of bricks that have been left abandoned where the brick wall, was mended years ago out the back.  I can stack up pots and baskets all tidy now.

today will be the other plot and clear down cold frame and the tall frame, before the weather changes at the weekend.

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