Recipe - Bread in a machine

Saturday, 14 March 2020

I have had a bread machine for years, and it is super easy to make bread.  I often just stick a packet mix in, or buy bread flour.  I think every packet of bread flour has a recipe on, and I often follow them.
This one above was made with Lidl flour and a packet of their yeast too.
You can start with a really simple recipe like this one on the BBC website Easy white bread

500g strong white flour, plus extra for dusting
2 tsp salt
7g sachet fast-action yeast
3 tbsp olive oil - Rapeseed is good too
300ml water

Here is what I do, add water and oil, then the flour then salt and yeast.  Choose your dough setting.

When the machine beeps - mine is 1 and a half hours, take out of the machine, remove from tin, and then form into a elongated ball, and put in a 2lb loaf tin.

Allow it to rise in a warm place for about 25 mins and then stick on oven for 25 mins at around 200c Yes, I know you can use the machine to bake the bread, but I personally do not like the shape, and get annoyed and digging out the paddle.  This is slightly more effort, but really not that much more.  And also I can make a 2lb loaf in my smaller machine...

One other things that I have learnt is for any bread mix that has stuck to the side of the bread machine tin, I leave it to dry and wipe off with a tea towel.

My brother dusts his with cornmeal (in the USA) - I really must get some, but have not been able to find it on the supermarket shelves.

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