Farmers Market

Saturday, 26 May 2007

Today it was Ampthill Farmers Market - it gets quieter and quieter each month - such a shame that the Town Council or even the District Council do not support it, and give it a decent position in town.

I did manage to sell 9 cards - although two of these were not very good really, and surprisingly chilly too. The cakes did go well though so good for the other ladies.

I made a few cards this afternoon - but have not taken any piccies yet. This is a clip frame that I tarted up the other day and Sue used it for the Big Challenge, I bought some more little clip frames - and plan to do them in a similar style - no idea if they will be popular.

1 comment

  1. Hi,
    first time visitor to your blog, love the cards.
    i am from sunny South Africa!
    take care


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