Rhubarb Cake

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Last Wednesday I went out for lunch at the Old Tea Shoppe in Ampthill with my friend Vicky, we had a lovely lunch - sandwiches made to order just how you like them with out butter, less mayonnaise etc. Then we followed it with a generous portion of homemade rhubarb cake which was delicious...the weather was a lot different to this week a lovely sunny walk into town....anyway the lady in the shop said she had based it on a victoria sponge recipe, so thought I would give it a go. However, I decided to base it on my Grandad's fruit cake recipe as I knew it would 'hold fruit'.

here is the recipe:

Rhubarb Cake:
6oz Margerine/butter
6oz Sugar
2 Eggs
7oz Self raising flour
7oz rhubarb (I would probably add a bit more as it did cook down) I chucked in some sultanas as well!

Cream the margerine and sugar together, add the eggs. Fold in the flour and some of the fruit. I just cut the rhubarb into inch(ish)long pieces, added some to the mix. Then put the mix into an 8 inch tin and put the rest of the fruit evenly around the top and pushed it down slightly. I sprinkled brown sugar on the top.

Cook for 1 hour 10 mins gas 4 180c

I would love to know if you have a go at this or a similar recipe with rhubarb, I saw a recipe in a book and you had to soak the rhubarb in orange juice and brown sugar for an hour....but I couldn't be bothered to wait that long.

Well I have caught another cold - grrr - I don't seem to suffer much with colds these days and now I have had two in 6 weeks.

Sales on the market were not that good - only sold 3 - but some weeks I sell none - so I suppose it could be classed as good!

1 comment

  1. MMMMHHHHH my mouth is now watering big time ...

    That cake looks so yummy !!!!!

    I wish i could bake!


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