Thursday, 15 June 2006

Another busy day today....

...the old lawn mower was taken by someone that saw our posting on the ampthill today forum...and she took the old computer too. I really hope they do her a turn, the lawnmower needed a bit of tlc - so we managed to do our own freecycle.

...then the Parcelforce man arrived with some fab goodies from the US a new company for me Maya Road. Had fun unpacking and getting the bits on the site....already proving popular!

Got some new charms yesterday too - just waiting for some little bags from ebay - these are quite cute.

Walked into town to collect my cards and the town is getting more choatic day by day! More parts of the Ampthill Oxlet car park boarded up. I notice that there is always someone guarding the gate to the demolition site...I guess that is for insurance reasons. I did wonder whether if it was actually against H & S rules to have the demolition going on with the market as we could have all done with ear defenders.... someone commented it was taking longer to knock down Budgen's than to build Waitrose :D :D

Managed to make a few cards tonight while the footie was on, will get some pics up later....

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