Well the weather was fantastic, and we foolishly said we would hire bikes. I didn't realise that the boys were intending to cycle to full course around the water, it was 10 very long miles that took us 1 hour and 40 minutes map here...but it was fun really!

Owen went on ahead several times - somehow he seemed much fitter than me, I am amazed that I actually got all the way around. It was certainly thirsty work....

And Owen cooled his hands down in the water that was very clear. The lake itself was very quiet, and not much sign of boats, just ducks and other water birds.
There wasn't too much to do there unless you go to proper organised sailing classes, and have to say the visitors centre was just a shop now with a few posters that were pretty much obscured by various items in the shop. Lovely to visit on a sunny day.
We had a nice lunch at the Wheatsheaf - I had a grape and brie Baguette, and so did Paul...Owen had fish fingers and chips! And J2O's
Geoff the builder had a free day so he came over and has started to put the cupboards together and they are looking very nice. So this weekend we will have to clear the kitchen.
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