Sunny Times

Saturday, 3 June 2006

Well what a fabulous day weatherwise - long time in coming...

Bognor wasn't as sunny as it could be - we played crazy golf and wandered around the town, and did the penny machines. Had a nice lunch out at the Royal Oak, so a lovely break even though we were only away for one night.

When I arrived home there were 2 parcels of ribbons, I had already received one earlier on in the week, and I have calculated I have 1800ms of ribbon. So I got my act together today and added the first lot of ribbons pictured left, and now I have those on the right still to do.

It takes quite a while to get them all on the site - but am getting more efficient with this new shopping cart

I then did a spot of gardening – well I couldn’t resist with all that sun, I may have gone a little mad, but I don't think I have gone red. I planted the rest of the vegetable plants out – sweetcorn, tomato plants (from Dad) and runner beans, it is looking very neat and tidy....just realised I don't have any courgettes

All the time I was in the garden the little Blue Tits were busy feeding their babies in the nesting box, I managed a few photos:

They are just so cute - and they were tweeting all the time, I reckon they will be flying the nest very soon, and it will be very quiet in the garden once again :(

The garden is looking more colourful, I really must add some new plants and add more interest, but never seem to make the time for gardening now...just weeding!

.. the second picture was only planted last year - but is starting to look a bit more through for larger pics.

Well seemes to have been a busy day - I hope the sun shines tomorrow, it certainly makes a difference.

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