Tent Down...

Sunday, 11 June 2006

Well the boys were back in the house at 7.45am - not quite sure what time they actually woke up, come to that not sure what time they actually went to sleep! But I think a good time was had by all.

After the BBQ Owen used his scout skills to make a bonfire...

As you can see he has learnt them very effectively - step aside Ray Mears....

...and Liam seem to think that building bonfires was great fun too.

Today we packed away the tent ready for its next outing Scout camp in the summer. Not long now I suppose only 8 weeks, no other camps before then :(

I delivered Ampthill Festival Leaflets to Rushbrook Close residents, and also added a leaflet about AmpthillToday.org, so hope there are a few more visitors! Paul did Manton Close - and Firefly came round to get her Ailesbury Rd lot.

Oh well back to work tomorrow - I need to make some cards before bed as I have had an order from the web site...but I have caught up on all the craft orders.

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